Stretch -n- Grow is the world’s largest network of certified youth fitness instructors providing fun & engaging enrichment programs that get kids moving at their schools.
We specialize in high quality, FUN exercise experiences that get kids moving, including: Fitness, Dance, Gymnastics, Sports, Music and Yoga.
Safety First
It is always important to be aware of your surroundings and ensure that no one is setting themselves up for injury. As children begin to explore the world, they grow bigger in stature and in maturity. The more they can get around the more they can increase their...
4 Methods for Decompressing
Regardless of how old we are, the need to decompress is important after a long day or a stressful event. Many adults have tips and tricks that help them regulate their nervous system, relax their bodies, and make sure their emotions are in check. When babies are born,...
Leg’s Go!
Putting one foot in front of the other is such a big accomplishment for little ones, as it is the beginning of their ability to explore their world. As they grow up, their legs get stronger, and they learn to run, to sprint, and to jump! The legs are the foundation of...
Keep it Cool: Stretches for Kids after a Workout
For a workout or an intense session of active play to be effective for overall health, it helps to help the heart rate come down, let the muscles stretch back out after being contracted through work, and to get lots of deep breaths. This part of exercise is called a...
Flossing Into the New Year
A few years ago, you couldn’t get kids to stop flossing, but dentists weren’t necessarily happy about it. While the video-game inspired dance craze got lots of kids up and moving, it didn’t increase their interest in dental care. It can feel like an uphill battle to...
STRONG! Helping Kids Learn about Their Core
As people get older, they begin to recognize the importance of a strong core. It helps people prevent back pain, have increased flexibility, and better posture. The younger we are when we start working on having a strong core, the more benefits someone has from...
Calm Down Techniques: For Hard Days
Everybody has bad days. Sometimes we all feel the need to release our negative energy and get out our feelings. Little ones are no different, except they don’t necessarily have the same coping and communication skills. Sometimes all they want is a nap, and...
Healthy Hydration
At Stretch-N-Grow nutrition is just as important to us as getting in exercises, and we believe in educating our kids about the importance of good foods, and importantly, good proper hydration. Making sure that everyone gets hydrated is an important part of ensuring...
Preventing the Back to School Sniffles
As kids prepare to go back to school, or are gearing up to start pre-school for the first time, one of the things their caretakers dread and have to prepare for is the onslaught of sniffles and colds. Children are going into new rooms, exposed to new friends, and a...
Homemade Snack Bars for When You’re Busy
As the school year approaches, the importance of being able to assemble quick and easy snacks becomes increasingly important. Whether the snacks are there to eat during the day, or to help transition from school, to after school activities to tide someone over till...
How Early Should Kids Start Exercising?
Our bodies have different needs depending on a lot of factors including genetics, diet, and overall wellness. At different ages, wellness can mean different things. Exercise can be beneficial at any age, but the kind of workouts someone does can be impacted by their...
Imagination and Movement: Let’s Play!
Sometimes it can be difficult to get kids to get up and move their bodies, which is so critical for them to grow up healthy and strong. It can be frustrating when they won’t stretch, don’t want to go on a walk, and just sit at the playground rather than get goofy on...
Fun Facts about Healthy Brain Development
Childhood is all about growing, exploring, and becoming the person that you’re going to be. As babies and kids grow, everything gets bigger, more specialized, and continues to form the building blocks for the next phase of life. One of the most complex parts of a...
What is Social-Emotional Learning?
One of the keyways children learn and grow is through interactions with other people. They develop an understanding of themselves, other people, and the world at large by observing, interacting, and engaging. This area of growth is known as social-emotional learning,...
Learning at Home – Teaching Techniques for Preschoolers
Whether parents and guardians choose to homeschool or not, there is no denying that a lot of learning takes place in the home, especially in the first 5-6 years before a child goes to kindergarten or first grade. Having tools and techniques to teach - or reinforce...
Know Your Bones!
Kids grow every year, changing and moving so they can turn into the really cool adults they’re destined to be. Over the course of their childhood adventures, they get stronger, learn more, and develop personalities, which is easy to track on the outside. Inside, their...
Chore Time: Engaging Kids at Every Age
As little hands grow big, they start to want to copy what they see the adults in the world doing. Their imaginations grow as they play pretend, dressing up, cooking, going on adventures to far away lands, race car driving, and more. Sometimes, this play turns into a...
Sniffle Season: Supporting the Immune System
Whenever the weather changes, people of all ages begin to sniffle, sneeze, and cough. Kids’ immune systems are still developing, so they often get colds back to back. While it is impossible to stop family members from getting sick entirely, there are things that...
Building Fine Motor Skills
Growth and development are an incredible part of human existence. Different facets of these changes occur at different ages, and facilitating them is an important part of a parent, guardian, or teacher’s responsibilities. One such aspect of growth and development is...
Nutrition and the Picky Eater
Most families have one, the kid who is fun, precocious, and simply refuses to eat what is put in front of them. Unfortunately, what they most avoid are often the nutritious fruits, veggies, and proteins that will help them grow up big and strong. Some of the nutrients...
Mental Health at All Ages
One of the biggest lessons society has learned from the COVID-19 pandemic is the importance of mental wellness, and that it should be cultivated at all ages. Children have social, emotional, and physical needs that contribute to their overall well-being that need to...
Safe Time in the Sunshine
In today’s world, people have a love-hate relationship with the sun. It is an important source of Vitamin D, critical to overall mental wellness, and is the key source of life in beautiful flowers and nutritious fruits and vegetables. For children, spending time...
Important Nutrients for Growing Kids
As children grow, they need to eat more to keep their bodies moving, shaking, and dancing. They also need to eat a greater variety of their nutrients, those important resources that keep the body healthy. There are different types of nutrients, many of which are...
3 Reasons to Make More Music with your Kids
A key part of childhood development is engaging the senses. Tasting healthy food, seeing people’s faces, touching different textures, and smelling the indoors and outdoors help little minds understand their world. What they hear also shapes their development, and...
4 Fun, Affordable Snacks for Lunchboxes
A great way to help kids eat nutritious meals, and save money on food, is to pack meals. Whether it is for preschool snack time, lunch, or a weekend picnic, putting together a lunchbox full of healthy and tasty snacks is always a good idea. Sometimes though, it can...
What Are the Types of Muscles?
The body is full of muscles that continue to grow and get stronger as kids grow every year. They work better the more they are used. At Stretch-n-Grow, we love to focus on different muscle groups, working out our arms and legs to help them do their best. But did you...
3 Ways to Encourage Imagination and Play
One of the most important things we believe here at Stretch-n-Grow is that fitness should be fun, and that stretching the body is an important part of growing up happy and healthy. Engaging the mind is just as important though! Children get that through school,...
Heart Shaped Crafts
February is American Heart Health Month and has Valentine’s Day in it. The heart is an important part of what we celebrate. We create healthy snacks for the family, make sure we incorporate more cardio into our weeks, and talk about how much love we have to share with...
12 Yoga Poses to Master in 2022
As we set off on the adventure of a new year, our focus returns to creating new habits. For families, especially families with children, it can be easy to start a lot of projects to try and sign the kids up for a bunch of new activities. For some people, this approach...
5 Exercises To Exercise Like Wild Animals
Sometimes you just have to run wild! Kids seem full of energy, and even when you think they’re ready to slow down, they seem to tap into another fuel reserve and can keep going wild for another hour! Releasing the inner animal and visiting the jungle, the beach, or...
Developing Social-Emotional Skills
In America, we are getting ready to have family togetherness at Thanksgiving. Cultures all around the world have special days where we see family, friends, and sometimes it has been a while since we have those we care about. For some of the smaller members of the...
An Apple A Day -October 2021 Blog Post
Apples are a nutritious, versatile food that can be used in a variety of snacks and meals. There are many varieties which means that if you like sweet or tart, crispy or soft, there is an apple out there for every member of the family. Best of all? Kids love them....
Creative Projects for Practicing Reading and Writing at Home – September 2021 Blog Post
The back-to-school sales are in full swing, the kids have met their new teachers, and everyone is ready to start the learning process. Whether you’re still online, are back in the classroom or doing a hybrid-model of learning, many parents are finding themselves...
Creating A Mindful Home – August 2021 Blog Post
There are many ways to maintain a healthy household. Eating right, exercise, and getting plenty of sleep help bodies get stronger. Finding ways to make taking care of everyone’s mental health a priority is also a key component of this equation. When the adults in the...
Teaching Kids to Swim is Fun – July 2021 Blog Post
One of the top choices for a vacation is a trip to the beach. In one survey, 52% of people said they go to the beach at least once a year worldwide! Whether it's the ocean, a river, a lake, or just the hotel swimming pool, getting their splash on is an important part...
Summer Picnics are Healthy Family Fun – June 2021 Blog Post
Sometimes the weather is great, everyone wants to go out and do something, but you don’t have time for an all-day adventure. While weekends and summer breaks are a time of fun and relaxation for kids, sometimes adults have things to do. A great way to ensure quality...
Clean Teeth Keep Us Healthy – May 2021 Blog Post
Smile! Capturing moments in time through photography and film often includes big grins and showing off those pearly whites. Teeth are crucial to living a healthy lifestyle, and the earlier adults instill good habits into their children the easier maintaining strong...
Our Favorite Sidewalk Games with a Twist – April 2021 Blog Post
Outside playtime is one of the best parts of childhood, and critical for healthy development. Soaking up some sun, running around in the air, and getting to be rambunctious builds endurance and healthy muscles and helps with mental health. Sometimes, it is important...
Bonjour! Hola! Kon’ichiwa! Let’s Learn a New Language! – March 2021 Blog Post
Kids’ brains are wonderfully elastic, meaning they learn, absorb, and incorporate the world around them easily. Experts studying child development have learned the first five years are crucial for cognitive - brain - development. It is an excellent time to start...
Homemade Ice-Pops: Sweet Treats for Family Fun – July 2020 Blog Post
If your family is looking for creative family activities, Stretch-n-Grow always advocates something outdoors, active, and energizing, but sometimes the weather doesn’t agree. In the summer it can get too hot to be outside. No one wants a sunburn! When the heat index...
Talking to Your Kids About COVID-19 & Reopening – June 2020 Blog Post
As some parts of the country start to discuss how to reopen, it is important to talk to our kids about what the virus is, why things are going to be a little different, and how they can play their part. Whether going to a religious services, the park, a restaurant, or...
Keeping it Creative In May – May 2020 Blog Post
While we are all at home, bonding in innovative ways can seem like an uphill battle. It doesn’t have to be! Looking to different sources for activities is always a good way to shake things up. Sometimes looking at the fun and weird holidays that exist can be a source...
We deliver on our promises and strive to meet & exceed expectations, creating the best programs, taught by the best people and delivered in the best places.
We engage the kids with joy and excitement in every class, and our energy fills the school.
We make growing up fun!
We aim to partner with schools and parents to reach our common goal: happy, healthy, and successful kids.
We give more than our programs to our schools, families, and staff. We give them time, resources, and our hearts because we’re dedicated to making their lives better.
Our faith based core values are at the center of everything we do.
Luckily, our work IS play. So this one is pretty easy for us.